Monday, June 12, 2006


Life does not consist mainly-or even largely-of facts and happenings. It consists mainly of the storm of thoughts that is forever blowing through one's head.

~© Mark Twain~

1 comment:

SmileyTD said...

Good morning, SB!!!!!!!!!! As always, it's great to see you. :D

I made that cursor all by myself. Aren't you proud? LOL The animation kinda' reminds me of when the sun shines through the leaves as the breeze blows them. Glad that you LUUUV it (doubly, nonetheless...haha). I LUUUV the sunshine that inspired it. :)

Sure hope to have a Southern Goodern today. I believe that I will. (That's a combination of optimism and determination right there. LOL) Hope you have a goodern, too.