Can death be sleep when life is but a dream
And scenes of bliss pass as a phantom by?
The transient pleasures as a vision seem,
And yet we think the greatest pain is to die.
How strange is it that man on Earth should roam,
And lead a life of woe, but not forsake
His rugged path; nor dare he view alone
His future doom which is but to awake.
~© John Keats~
Hey!! My Christmas was umm...ok. I survived it. :P How about yourself?? Was Santa good to you??
And....I happen to really like that poem. It says a lot if you really think about it. Guess I just have a twisted sense of perception sometimes. ;) But...if you have any extra of those mood elevators laying around going to waste, I could probably use them right about now. haha
Good to see ya' here. :)
ILP, what I get from this poem is that he's saying that death shouldn't be what we fear/dread/worry about...it's the waking up every morning that is what we should be afraid of. He's basically saying that life is a greater pain than death. It's morbid, I know. LOL
I'm glad that you liked my resolution. It's the one thing that I need the most....well, as you said...I think everyone else could use it as well.
As far as SB is concerned, if I could twist his arm for ya', I would. All I know is that he's a really nice person who happens to have a great sense of humor. :)
MP, good resolutions! I need to lose some weight myself, but I never make resolutions for those sorts of things....because I tend to keep putting them off. LOL A very wise man (my Grandpa) always said not to worry too much about your weight because it's the only thing you can take with ya' when you go. :P He also used to tell me that since I had big feet, that just meant I had a good foundation. (He wore a size 13EEE. LOL) He was great at making things seem alright. :) Anyway, good luck with your resolutions.
Hope everyone has a great New Year's Eve and that 2006 is a better year for all of us!!!
Wow!! I actually understand all of that. LOL Very good interpretation of the poem. :P I went back and reread it a couple of times with that in mind. You may just be right. :) Thanks for the different view.
And yeah, I know the rest. ;) LOL
The World's Greatest Blogger has arrived. LOL Great to see that you ventured over here! And yes, this is a great one by Keats. :)
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