Sun, sun,
divine Ra-Helios,
you delight
the hearts of kings and heroes,
sacred horses neigh to you,
in Heliopolis they sing hymns to you;
when you shine,
lizards crawl out onto rocks
and boys go laughing
to swim in the Nile.
Sun, sun,
I am a pale scribbler,
a library recluse,
but I love you, sun, no less
than a tanned sailor
smelling of fish and salt water,
and no less
than his accustomed heart
at your royal rising
from the ocean,
my heart trembles,
when your dusty, but flaming ray
through the narrow window by the ceiling
onto my filled page
and my thin, yellowish hand,
writing out in vermilion
the first letter of a hymn to you,
O Ra-Helios sun!
~© Mikhail Alekseevich Kuzmin~
Hi, Joe. I don't know why the sailor hasta' smell like fish. That part kinda' bugged me, too. LOL Otherwise, it's a very nice poem....particularly the part right before the fish smell. LOL Thank you for the compliment. :)
Good Morning, SB!!! (Even though it's not morning now. LOL) I'm definitely havin' that "Southern Goodern" today...a "Sunshiny, Southern Goodern" as a matter of fact. ;) haha
You are exactly right. :D If I had my "druthers" about it, I wouldn't have any other kind. :)
LOL..."Druther" is a hillbilly term which is kinda' short for "I'd rather". :P When used in a sentence like mine up there ^, it just means that if I had a way or got my wishes, then I'd have a "Sunshiny, Southern Goodern" every day. ;) hehe
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