Amidst the green leaves and the fruitful flowers,
Concealed in the thick of Mother Nature’s grandest creations,
She sits and ponders upon her deepest thoughts and desires,
Which are enshrouded in this secret cove.
In this safe haven where she hides
When the world is nipping at her heels,
Only the golden rays of Sunshine
Truly know how to reach her.
Hours upon hours she spends,
Anticipating the Sun’s arrival-
For he is her most valued confidant.
He is her light…her hope.
He never fails to return to their shared refuge.
Even though he has a prior obligation to irradiate
All of creation with his aura,
Time and time again, he returns.
Descending from his home among the clouds,
The Sun extends his warm radiance,
Illuminating her spirit
And encompassing her with his presence.
The cherished moments rapidly pass.
Too soon he must make his exit
And return to his celestial lair
On the empyrean horizon.
Silently basking in the afterglow
Left by the parting, reverent Sun,
She revels in the tranquility
Of her sequestered Sunshine Hideaway.
~© Lady Treemont~
Good afternoon, SB!!! Thank you very much for the compliments! I truly appreciate them...and you too, for thinking so highly of me. :) I'd be honored to have you as my agent.
Hope you have a good day today. Looks like the the Sun is out in full force. Sunshine=Inspiration :) (Even when I have to mow the yard. LOL)
:D That's definitely a compliment, so thank you. I'm glad you like it. You'll have to talk to my agent about the usage fees, though. ;) LMAO (I'm just playin' with ya'. You're welcome to it.)
Everything's ok here. How about with you? I keep checking back on my homepage at 360 to see if you've any new posts on your blog, but I just keep finding the great current weather conditions out there. haha :P Hope you're doing alright.
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