Happiness is a sunbeam, which may pass through a thousand bosoms without losing a particle of its original ray; nay, when it strikes on a kindred heart, like the converged light on a mirror; it reflects itself with redoubled brightness. It is not perfected till it is shared.
~© Jane Porter~
Good morning, SB!! Yes, it does appear that you got here before anyone else did today. LOL
Thank you for the compliments. :) I like that poem a lot, too. The pic was taken on the last day we were at Oak Island, NC in August of 2005. We were getting ready to come home and I was enjoying my "final moments" on the beach. (I always HATE leaving...kinda' like leaving my right arm behind or something. LOL) Anyway, I came back up from the water and was standing on the deck, watching the sun come up (camera in hand). Sooo...I took a ton of pics before we got on the road...just because. It was absolutely breathtaking. The pictures don't do it justice. ♥
For some reason, I want to say BOING! BOING! BOING! LOL
Y'all can turn the lights back up now.
Tigger, I don't think so. A tiger, on the other hand...it's quite possible.
Thank you so very much, Mojo-Jo-Jo. I honestly appreciate your compliments. :)
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