Upon the dawn when I arise
Wearily from under the warm covers,
I feel the sun shining in my window
Onto me and all of my sleepiness.
As I make my way
Throughout the fog of mid-morn,
A smile graces my lips and runs to
The darkest corners of my heart.
Lunchtime comes and I warm
A batch of my famous potato soup,
Waiting for it to heat through
So that I can savor the taste.
Today, Mister Sunshine
Is spending great amounts of time
With his arms enfolding me
Warming me from head to toe.
Lazy evening, warm breeze blowing
Smell of apple blossom in the air...
Curling up on my porch swing,
I close my eyes and breathe it all in.
The sun sinks down and moon rises,
Stars filling the night sky.
Sounds of the crickets serenading
In time with the beating of my heart.
~© Lady Treemont~
I'm really glad you like this one, SB! :)
Thank you for the compliments on the poem, Joe. As far as the "just right or just wrong" thing, I'm doing just fine. I think that's a happy balance between the two. LOL
Thank you very much. :) I took that one here in Two Run. Had just left the house when I spotted the beautiful way the sun was shining around the clouds, so I pulled off and took a few pics. (I always carry my camera with me. LOL)
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