I would give all I have to have you with me,
To see tomorrow with you,
To touch and hold the one thing dear to me,
I would climb the highest mountains,
I would swim the widest oceans,
Closed my eyes and be blinded by your love,
Trusting in you to lead my way,
I would give all I had for you,
To love you and be loved in return,
To adore you, and be adored in return,
I would give my all to be with you,
To make the memories of yesterday forever,
To see me and you in the future.
Come whatever,
I would give all I have for you,
Lay down my life for you,
To sacrifice my soul for your pardon,
I would give all I have for you,
Be it to travel to the ends of the earth,
To catch the falling stars out of the skies above,
I would give all,
To hear you say the words I so needed to hear,
The word that would heal my broken heart,
The words that means all the world to me,
To hear you say "I love You",
And look into your eyes knowing you meant it,
For I would give all I have in life for you,
For you gave me all I have in life,
And without you, I have nothing.
~© Robert Kyle Newton~
Hi, Big Papa. Thank you for the compliments on the picture. I took that one last Spring when I was out and about.
In answer to your question, I believe that it is very possible to have everything that is written in those words. Seems like when you're not looking, it sneaks up on you and is suddenly RIGHT THERE. Don't worry, it will find you.
I don't know of anything going on in June right off the top of my head. If I think of anything, I'll let you know, though. :)
Hi there, Joe! Good to hear from ya'. Hope all is well out your way.
Just for the record...yes I would, too. LOL
Good morning, SB!!!! :) Just wanted to say hello to you before I take off this morning. Hope you have a great day today! :)
P.S. Didn't that little hair dye problem solved. LMAO It will be alright, though. ;) (It will have to be. LOL)
I'm feeling far too cynical to even comment on the poem, so I guess I'll just say howdy ... LOL
Good morning, SB!!! Thank you for the vote of confidence and for the luck. Everything worked out just fine. :) (And I'm cracking up at your "BOB" response, by the way. LMAO) Hope you have a wonderful day today. Enjoy that sunshine. I know I will. :)
Hi, Rose! I'm glad you decided to stop by. I understand the cynical part. At times, I have felt that way myself. It'll all be alright, though. :) Hope you're having a good week.
ILP!! It's good to see ya'. You are right about adding up all of those moments over the years. We have all experienced these things at some point and time. It's really nice when you find them all in one person, though. :)
I'm sorry to hear that your fella' is working out of state. At least he's got a good job and all, but I know that it's bound to be lonesome for you. (Believe me. I know.) LOL
It's cool that you're getting some cleaning done. It's that time of year again. I've always kind of enjoyed "Spring Cleaning" because I find things that I've put away and forgotten about having. LOL
Your "girls' night" sounds like it was a lot of fun. We really are going to have to do that one of these days when we get the chance. Enjoy your cleaning!! *hugs*
The poem is one of my very favorites. Your words are absolutely beautiful. No matter how many times I read this, it always manages to stir those carefully hidden emotions deep within me.
Do you happen to have more available for reading? I would LOVE to see more of your work. Thank you so very much for stopping by my blog. It's always a wonderful thing to be graced by the presence of one who can evoke such feelings with mere written words. :)
Happy Thanksgiving to you!
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