'Cause when I look around, I think this, this is good enough and I try to laugh at whatever life brings, 'cause when I look down, I just miss all the good stuff. When I look up, I just trip over things.
~© Author Unknown~
~A collection of my photographs and favorite writings~
I love it when you sing to me, SB. :P Thank you. :) You always know how to make me smile. (By the way...yes, I'm psychic, by the way. Sometimes, my psychic signals are a little skewed, though. Must be the interference from cell phones and the like. LOL) Hope you're having a goodern today. :)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey, Wreck. Your writing is getting better all the time. Sometimes, it's hard to see that light at the end of the tunnel...but at least we do find it when we really need it.
Well, thank you Big Papa! :)
LMAO...I have that same problem, SB.
Can ya' tell I was hurrying when I posted my first comment on this thread? Geez, I'm embarrassed to leave that there. LOL
It's good to hear from ya', Big Papa. I don't know about keeping things under control, but I will try to maintain a healthy level of sanity till ya' visit good ol' Clay County. LOL
There ya' go! LOL
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