Monday, May 15, 2006

Had I Not Seen The Sun

Had I not seen the Sun,
I could have borne the shade,

But Light a newer Wilderness,
My Wilderness has made.

~© Emily Dickinson~


SmileyTD said...

Good evening, SB!! Thank you for the photo compliment. Yes, I DO really, really, really love the sun. :) It's wonderful...always seems to make me feel soooo much better about life, my days...everything.
Hope your day was a good one today. Talk to you soon.

SmileyTD said...

Big Papa, you can yell for me...I'm sure I'll hear you. haha Nah, really...My number is in the book, but my first name is misprinted. I'll just send ya' the number in an email later on this evening. Probably be the easiest way. LOL