The mere sight of the Sun
instantly reignites the fire
within my soul,
flooding the hollow darkness
that has crept inside.
His warm radiance
dissipates each
of the dreary, dark clouds
which have taken residence
in my grey matter.
As necessary
as oxygen is to the body,
so is your light
to my innermost being,
great Sun.
Break through
the thick, grey clouds
which stand between us,
and grace me
with your presence.
I beg of you...
find your way
to where I am.
Lay your healing powers
upon my heart.
~© Alis Volat Propiis~
Beautiful photo and words!
Hi, Bill! What a great surprise to see you here! Hope all is well with you and your family. I know it's a delayed reaction (haven't had much time for anything other than work lately), but I'm glad that you made it through the earthquake thing without any major damage. :)
Thank you very much for stopping by and for the compliments. They are truly appreciated. :D Hope to see you here again.
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