To correct a natural indifference I was placed half-way between misery and the sun. Misery kept me from believing that all was well under the sun, and the sun taught me that history wasn't everything.
~© Albert Camus~
~A collection of my photographs and favorite writings~
gorgeous, and glad I dropped by to find that we're not in kansas any more :-)
Hello, Stuck-in-Duck. Thank you very much for your thoughtful comment. I greatly admire the fact that you understood the true meaning behind my post. That can only mean that you are also a very deep thinker. Hope you will return to my blog again. :)
Lloyd!! How are you?? Great to see you, as always. Thank you for the compliment. And, of course, when I found that audio clip, I just KNEW that it had to go on my blog. LOL It is very fitting. Don't you think?! :P Hope all is well with you.
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