Sunday, April 09, 2006

The Lighted Window

A lighted window floats through the night
like a piece of paper in the wind.
I want to see into it. I want to climb
through into its lighted room.
As I reach for it it slips through the
trees. As I chase it it rolls and tumbles
into the air and skitters on through the
night . . .

~© Russell Edson~

1 comment:

SmileyTD said...

Hello there, ILP!

You're never going to believe this...but I have a porch swing just like that from Wally World!! It's the greatest, but let me warn you...if you're going to sleep on it, you need extra padding. It's rough. LOL I was sore all over after the first time I tried to sleep on it...was like sleeping on a fold out sofa-bed...bars pokin' in your back and everything. LOL Regardless, it's one of my favorite places to spend Summer nights. :)

Blow up hot tubs?? Woohoo!! LOL Just have to be "vewy, vewy keh-faw" not to poke a hole in it. haha Glad you stopped by, as always. Have a great week! :)

*lots of hugs for you too*